German Precision Pre Purchase Car Inspection

Prepurchase Car Inspections Melbourne

Steps to Take After Buying A Car

Why You Can Trust German Precision?

We at German Precision always want to assist you in making better choices when buying a used car. 

We often discuss how to purchase a used car, how to check a used car before buying it, or even how to sell your current vehicle. In this post, we want to help you a little more and guide you on the steps you should take after buying a car.

Even after you’ve successfully purchased and negotiated your new vehicle, the work is not quite finished. Prior to taking any long road trips or settling into your daily commute, you must first register your new car, get insurance, and plan for future inspections.

You can ensure that you hold legal ownership of your new set of wheels. And can drive worry free once these steps are completed.


What To Do After Buying A Car?

Prior to putting your new car in the drive, take the time to finalise important ownership details.


Register The Car 

After buying a car, registering it is one of the most important steps, as operating without valid state registration is illegal. 

Driving a car in Australia requires a valid vehicle registration or Rego. The registration must also be in the owner’s name, so you must transfer the registration to your name after buying a car. Each state has its own rules regarding the Rego. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with the state’s legislation.

The vehicle’s seller must provide you with a receipt and a valid Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) documenting the purchase, which includes the following details: 

  • Make, 
  • Model, 
  • Colour, 
  • Year, 
  • Licence plate, 
  • VIN number

You used to have to deliver this information to the state transportation office in person to transfer the registration of the vehicle, and that is still the case in case of purchase of unregistered vehicles (a Vicroads appointment and inspection are required). But for regular purchases, these can be mailed into Vicroads, or transferred online, via a valid Vicroads user account.

If buying from a dealer, then these steps will be taken care of for you by them. 

Swap Over Your Insurance

Having car insurance protects your finances in case of any unexpected accidents or vehicle ownership costs. 

Once you purchase a vehicle, you will also need to obtain new coverage or transfer your current policy. To transfer your car insurance, your insurer must allow you to transfer your policy. The process is basically straightforward you can either call your insurer or update your car information online to accomplish this. In other words, you’ll have the same policy but with a different vehicle listed on it. Many insurers will not do transfers, so it will require a new policy to be taken out.

Go Through The Vehicle’s Manual

It might feel time-consuming to read the entire manual, but it is helpful to familiarise yourself with your new vehicle’s features. By doing so, you can make the most of your new vehicle and make sure you are properly utilizing all available technology and safety features.

Have Future Maintenance Arranged

Your vehicle’s maintenance is one of the largest consistent costs you will encounter, so it is best to prepare for upcoming mechanic trips. Your new vehicle will not require any maintenance right away, but you can consult the manual and online vehicle forums to make a list of necessary maintenance. By doing so, you can make appointments ahead of time and budget for any future costs.

Take The Car For A Vehicle Inspection

It’s important to have your vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic before buying it, but it’s also a good idea to have your vehicle checked out once you have it. Finding mechanical issues early on can be useful. It can also help you establish a valuable relationship with a trusted mechanic. Be sure to inspect the tyres, brakes, and filters for specific issues. 

If you are looking for a trusted mechanic for a pre purchase car inspection in Melbourne, Victoria then you are at the right place. Contact us now to consult with us – many of our previous clients trust our efforts with regard to the inspection of the car they purchased and contact us long afterwards with requests for advice and recommendations. Happy to do this where possible in our long-term relationship process.


Once you’ve successfully completed these steps, be sure to store your registration, title, and insurance in your glove box for safekeeping. Now the vehicle is all yours, and you can enjoy the freedom that comes with vehicle ownership.

Pre Purchase Car Inspector Melbourne

Klaus Sturm

Klaus is a highly experienced automotive professional with 35+ years in the industry, offering Pre-purchase Car Inspection and Vehicle Check services in Melbourne, Victoria. His expertise ranges from technician to service manager, earning him a reputation for exceptional customer service.